
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Immaculate Nathan B.

Nathan Buchanan is a 21-year-old student at the Academy of Contemporary Music (ACM) at the University of Central Oklahoma.  Music has been an important theme in his life and has become his dream for the future.

For Buchanan, performing and expressing himself lyrically through hip-hop has become an important part of his life.  As a musician in Oklahoma, Buchanan hopes to change the face of music in this state and more so to change the face of hip-hop. Buchanan's passion and drive to change the music industry makes him a critical player for change within the state of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma's hip-hop scene remains largely underground, although key artists have collaborated with mainstream artists.  Rappers such as Johnny PolygonBig8Jabee and Josh Sallee have collaborated with more widely known musicians. 

Recording studios in Oklahoma do not have much of a presence in the United States but they are growing. Buchanan hopes to own his own studio in the future and produce music for other bands while creating and performing his own.

Video by: Ana Lastra, Sadie Short and Erin Wilson
Runtime: 01:38

1 comment:

  1. Sadie, Ana, Erin
    The lead in works much better now. I really like the story and the viewer gets to know him - so good job there. For your next video story, keep the mantras in mind. Here you could have used more cutaways, enter frame, and cover with your second source. But good job!

